Category Archives: General

Going AFK for a while


Click for source on e-shuushuu

Will be leaving for a trip to Italy in about 12 hours.  I’m going to be in Europe for 2 and a half weeks, mostly visiting family there but also getting in some good sightseeing!  Bringing my camera and nice lens as I expect to be taking lots of pictures ^^.  I don’t think I’ll have Internet access most of the time so it’s very unlikely I will be posting before I return.  Let’s see how long I can go without net access ^^;

So, until then, signing off!

FREEing 1/4 Tsukasa Hiiragi Pre-ordering Starts


Tsukasa Hiiragi, the airheaded twin sister of Kagami, is now up for pre-ordering.  This is the 3rd figure in the 1/4 scale Lucky Star set by FREEing.  Konata and Kagami ordering has already begun.  Konata was scheduled to be released this month but has been delayed until late July.


I personally like Tsukasa’s pose in this figure.  Kagami might have looked a bit odd, but Tsukasa is brimming with cuteness ^^.  A definite pick for me.  She will retail for 12,800 (ouch!).  Hobby Search has started reservations for her at 11,581 yen.  She will be begin shipping in September.  Miyuki will be the next figure in the FREEing’s 1/4 scale set :)

More info and pics at the GSC site.

FREEing 1/8 Nagi PVC

freeing nagi 01

After watching the Kannagi anime and thoroughly enjoying it, I found myself looking for more of the lovely Nagi-sama.  I discovered that there were already a few Nagi figures out and about.  Wave, Kotobukiya, and FREEing all had their own Nagi figures available and an additional Clayz version is out later this month.  Sadly, these Nagi figures all seemed to have something slightly off with them but I thought the FREEing version was the most appealing and I decided to place an order for her. Continue reading

Spent the day planting flowers…

The company I sorta, kinda work for (don’t work for them directly) organized for all of its many (thousands) of employees to plant flowers, shrubs, and trees at various sites around Indinapolis.  Employees were encouraged to attend this “Day of Service” to help beautify the community.  I decided to give it a try along with my coworkers.


some crap cell phone pics.

After 4 hours of planting plants at an interstate onramp in Indy, I was quite sunburned and ready to pass out.  I’m a system administrator that normally sits in front of a computer 10+ hours a day… >_<  Ah well, it was good exercise and it was nice to be able to improve the community a bit ^^


The area was near the airport so it would be one of the first things visitors see.

Going to sleep well tonight ^^;

Trying a new theme


Since I had the previous wordpress theme in use for a year, I thought it was time for a change.  I like the styling of this new theme though I may tweak a bit more.  Also made a new banner using an illustration by Natsuki Heru though I think it needs some work (seems a bit plain right now).  Now I just need to configure all my new widget spaces >_<