Some new goodies

Some recently acquired goodies ^^.  I’ve got a long list of figures that I have not yet had a chance to post about but have been quite busy recently (more on that soon).  First up is the adorable and unique Kagabu plushie from Lucky Star.  Kagabu is not an official character from the series.  From some Google’ing, I found that there is a doujinshi comic in which Kagami is a pig/girl thing and this is what it’s based on.  I haven’t read the manga so I don’t actually know what it’s about ^^;  However, that didn’t stop me from wanting my own Kagabu :D

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Kagabu is a play on words based on her name, Kagami, and the Japanese word for pig, buta (ぶた).  That’s how you get Kagabu :D

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A little short and stout but is a very humorous and fun collectible item, especially for a Kagami fan such as myself :)

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Isn’t she cute? xD.  The plushie was released earlier this year and I almost got her back then but hesitated.  It’s a shame too because she’s sold out everywhere now and I had get her through YJA.  Luckily, I got a good deal on a new plushie for a few hundred yen less than the original retail price.  Just had to add on the deputy service commission, wire transfer, and shipping… >_<

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Moving on to more Lucky Star loot (can you tell I like the series? ^^;).  Here is Wave’s 1/12 scale Kagami and Tsukasa school uniform set.  Yep, 1/12 scale.  This is sort of a mini review for these mini figures ;)

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Being 1/12 scale, they are quite small figures but they are surprisingly pretty decent quality.  The uniforms have creases to add detail and the figures’ hair looks good.  They even have frilly underskirts beneath their school uniforms skirts (yes, I looked >_<).

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Kagami looks alright.  Her face seems a bit flat and something about the eyes is a bit off but still I like her.  I find it hard to dislike many variations of Kagami though :)

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Tsukasa giving the popular V sign.

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Kagami has a cute finger-pointing gesture.

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Kagamin \^^/

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Tsukasa, I love you too!  She came with two removable yellow hair ribbons but I seemed to have misplaced the other one >_<.  Oh well, the other one was flatter and I didn’t like it much anyway.  Only real problem I have with this set is the price.  6,800 yen for both seemed a bit pricey considering they are only 1/12 scale!

And now, a sneak peak at some even newer items!


It was bound to happen.  After convincing myself to purchase Konata and Kagami, I had to follow through and finish up the set.  FREEing’s 1/4 scale Tsukasa has arrived!  Unfortunately, probably won’t be able to have a review up for Tsukasa until next week :-/

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And what’s this?  Let’s just say I have a very special treat awaiting fellow Lucky Star fans.  Any guesses? :)

29 thoughts on “Some new goodies

  1. Optic

    “Let’s just say I have a very special treat awaiting fellow Lucky Star fans. Any guesses? :)”

    ZOMG, u bought urself a Lucky Star dollfie ;)
    Awesome, u got urself a Kagabu as well. Mine still wrapped in plastic. :S
    Wow, Tsukasa is hugeeeeeee. As expected considering ur getting the whole set. xD
    .-= Optic´s last blog ..Energetic otaku Sakura Nankyoku =-.

  2. Bang. . .

    Really nice goodies.^^ I am a Lucky Star fan too!

    Also, do you know the Japanese kanji for Kagabu? >.< I wanna look it up on YJA.

  3. Smithy

    Hey, those 1/12 Lucky Star figures are nice! For that scale they look very well done, easily as detailed and well finished as a 1/10 scale figure, surprisingly they look as good as some of the other Lucky Star figures.

    You bought a Dollfie or Obitsu doll? 0_0
    .-= Smithy´s last blog ..K-ON! Nodoka and Ui Image Song =-.

  4. Blowfish

    Hmm I actually dont think that Kagabu is a Doujin Character.I had a look at an issue of young shounen ace and there were some 4 koma pieces of Kagabu in there.

    That completing the set mentality is evil isnt it? XD

    So it looks like you are planning to make your own LS Doll? Lemme think my guess ould be Kagami?
    .-= Blowfish´s last blog ..Small Magazine Loot =-.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      orly? I should check out that Kagabu manga.
      Completing a set is a temptation I can usually overcome but not when it comes to Lucky Star goodies. Well, mostly ;)
      Your guess of Kagami has potential ^^;

  5. Stripey

    Woah the Kagami and Tsukasa have fantastic facial sculpts for 1/12s! Wave’s quality has leaped and bounded over the couple of years. Looks like I should check out their products :)

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yeah, they seem to have pretty decent figures these days. All the Wave figures I’ve acquired so far, I have liked. They don’t have the following that Alter/GSC/Max Factory have but they’re not bad :)

  6. FaS

    Wow, this is so nice. Honestly, I haven’t gotten many anime figures (even though I REALLY want to), but I have always read up on figures. I’m amazed you’re able to keep up with these small treasures because I sure as hell can’t at all. However, I do read Hobby Japan A LOT and have since I was 12. Nice pics ;D
    .-= FaS´s last blog ..New Author! Hello World =-.

  7. Pingback: Boo Boo KagaBoo! | Cool and Spicy

  8. Pingback: Amagami SS 20 | Sea Slugs! Anime Blog

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