Kagami Goes Out

I was going through some of my older photos and forgot I had some more Kagami doll pics! These are from last Fall, before it became (completely) cold and drearily gray >_<
Thought I’d share them before they are too ancient ;)

Kagami didn’t want to play at first and was hiding up in a tree ^^;

Was eventually able to convince Kagami to go for a walk :)

Found a nice tree where Kagami could relax under the shade during a break in the clouds.

Back indoors. Kagami was going to try her hand at the piano but got embarrassed and wouldn’t play ^^;

Last pic, hope you liked them :)

I have a few more Kagami photos from last Fall that I will be posting soon ^^

30 thoughts on “Kagami Goes Out

  1. Smithy

    These are very cute. Too bad those type of dolls don’t have a system similar to Figma where you can change the facial expression, could give rise to even more interesting photos. ^^
    .-= Smithy´s last post… So-Ra-No-Wo-To 10 =-.

      1. Shanna

        TG4Y. Thank God for Yoga. I’m in the middle of a personal crdo/sicrsssroais at the moment, and if it weren’t for yoga (and all you wonderful VYC souls), I don’t know where I’d be at the moment.Went to work out again this morning, so I stuck to restorative floor work when I got home, holding the poses as long as I could, usually 5-10 breaths. 38 Kapalabhatis, butterfly, sitting forward bends, shoulder stand, bridge, fish, savasana. (Darn those monkeys!) Looking forward to a long, indulgent practice tomorrow.

      2. http://www./

        Please consider showing the…Added: 7 hours agoAdded: 3 days agoAdded: 6 months ago…information to the ALWAYS visible portion of the video Description box (ie. not in the "folded-up" container)…or, at least, to the VERY TOP of that container, once it has been "folded-down" ;-)THANX!

  2. Ningyo

    Liking these shots, but you didn’t show much of the indoor environment. That’s probably just me wanting to see more of the house, but I think a shot of Kagamin from afar sitting at the one end of the piano keys would’ve been very romantic.

    Definitely agree with Smithy though. I suppose it doesn’t detract from it too much, but there’s a lot more potential to other expressions.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Hmmm, that probably would make a good shot. Unfortunately, these photos were taken at my parents’ place and I’m not there very often but I might try it next time ^^

      Another doll doubter? >_< Well, the single face thing is just something I've accepted as part of getting a doll and I really don't stress much about it. It's a trade-off. Yes, Figma/Nendos have alternate faces, but these doll figures are much, much more realistic. They have fabric clothes and actual hair (not living hair, but you know what I mean). Figmas have one fixed outfit and a clump of plastic for hair. I'll gladly accept a fixed facial expression to get an otherwise more realistic rendition of my favorite character!

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Ah, yes. I was actually using a borrowed 24-70 at the time. I have since purchased one for myself but I’m not sure if I will keep it. Am actually not that fond of it ^^;

        1. anonymous_object Post author

          Well, for a general purpose walk around zoom lens, the 24-70 is probably the best choice. However, as convenient as having a zoom is, I think I’d rather take my 50mm prime. I find that the wider aperture and higher image quality are more useful to me than zooming. Besides, I can zoom with my feet most of time xD

  3. lovelyduckie

    I’m such a scaredy cat…I don’t take anything I own outside. It SHOULD be perfectly safe but I worry if I break something I’ll be kicking myself for a long time. Maybe this spring/summer I’ll do some outdoor shots.
    .-= lovelyduckie´s last post… My Collection – Update =-.

  4. Eloise

    My friend has a pair of hulk hands! Thr;#&8217yee awesome. He got them during halloween. I heard of them a long time ago on some toy review site, It was around the time of the first hulk movie. Those ones didn’t make sound. The new ones do! Haha.You should wear them around on a regular day for fun.


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