Yui gets a new outfit

I have already dressed Kagami in a different outfit, so now it’s Yui’s turn! Decided to go with some a little more naughty for Yui ^^;
Say hello to little devil Yui ^^

Yui guarding the gates of hell?

“Stop!  None shall pass without the express written consent of Hirasawa Yui, little devil version!”

“I’m serious, I won’t let you by!”

“Why would you want to travel to hell anyway? It’s really hot here!”

“Ok, you’ve forced me to take action!”  *Stab!*

The boots are quite nice ^^b

Ok, enough nonsense xD.  Yui’s outfit came from three individual pieces: The dress (top, skirt, cuffs), the knee high leather boots, and the silver trident. Each was sold separately but were obviously meant to go together ^^.

Complete with cute bat wings :D

Yui’s outfit by Azone was purchased at Hobby Search.  The total price for all three pieces was about 4700 yen.  A bit pricey but the outcome is amazing! You can find the items here: Dress, boots, and trident.

18 thoughts on “Yui gets a new outfit

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Hair? I don’t think so, at least not on this head type. The hair isn’t a wig, it’s sort of implanted in the vinyl head through small holes.
      However, you can buy lots of different heads with lots of different hair colors/styles that come with blank faces that you can paint/customize.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      It doesn’t necessarily have to fit with a character’s personality from the original source. It’s basically cosplaying/role playing ^^.
      Just about any character can be made into whatever role you want ;)

      1. anonymous_object Post author

        Hey, by the way, it seems your blog doesn’t like my comments >_< Two of the 3 comments I've posted have gone into the abyss. Are you running any special spam mods?

  1. Blowfish

    Oh looks like the Azone stuff is actually pretty nice.I thought it would be some dirt cheap stuff.
    I dunno the outfit doesnt really fit her characetr though ^^;;

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      I didn’t even think if the custom would be fitting for her character. I just wanted to make her look cute =P
      I consider dressing her like this to be pretty much the same as cosplaying. It may not technically fit with her normal behavior, but if she can pull it off and look good, then why not? ;)


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