Yui’s New Outfit + Headphones

A quick follow-up to the images I posted yesterday.  Here is Yui in her new outfit as herself (original wig).  Plus there is a new addition: Yui’s new headphones!Sadly, it has been raining for most of the past week. Yui is tired of being stuck indoors ^^;

Yui in her new Iplehouse outfit.  “Hey, what are you looking at!?”

“Just kidding!  You’ll forgive me, right?”

Low-tops from Leeke World.  These shoes are amazingly cool.  I’m really impressed by their quality.  And they just look good :)

Oh, and here are Yui’s new headphones.  They say Sony on the side but since they come from a Chinese store… yeah, they’re not really Sony xD.  However, they are real headphones.  You can connect them to an audio jack and they’ll play music for your dollfie!

Yui listening to some Houkago Tea Time recordings ^^.

So, does the outfit look better on Yui as herself or with the “Mugi” wig?  In other news, I promise I will be posting some non-Dollfie items soon.  So, no, my blog has not been converted into a DD-only blog ^^;

20 thoughts on “Yui’s New Outfit + Headphones

  1. Kuraikawai

    Really cool! those shoes are from leekee world too is I understoon correctly? If so, I’ll have to take a look :3

  2. TAKET0MB0

    Im amazed that they actually work as well, thats such an awesome touch!
    And Sony or now they sure look the part and really suit! XD
    Cant get over the detail in those shoes as well
    .-= TAKET0MB0´s last post… Scaredy Cat =-.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yes, that’s one of the main reasons I like them. How else would I get to dress cute girls in whatever outfits I want without getting arrested? Oh wait, I didn’t mean it like that… xD


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