A Closer Look at DD Yui

I’ve now had my Yui Dollfie Dream for 1 week and I can’t believe I’ve only posted a handful of preview images from the day I received her!  Let’s fix that.  Here are lots of pretty pictures of DD Yui ^^

Hit the jump for more Yui moe overload \^^/

Yui wouldn’t be complete without her guitar/companion Gita so of course it was included by Volks ^^

She looks quite good with it, doesn’t she? ^^

Rocking out!

Volks also provided a nice quality guitar case for Gita. It’s made out of some sort of imitation leather and has a nice feel to it.

Yui on her way to school?

Quite a sunny morning. It’s blinding poor Yui >_<

Experimenting with lighting.  This photo was illuminated by only a single candle.  Kind of silly ^^;

The next day, Yui checks the day’s weather.  Looks good, perhaps we should go out today? :)

“I caught a fish ‘this big’! Really!”

“Hey, hey! I want to go outside and play!  Will you come with me?”

“You’re not going to make me beg, are you?”

I finally agreed to take Yui out since it was a nice, sunny day.  But first we had to change into some more Spring-like clothes.  Summer school uniform!

So sunny today! Yui insisted we stop and look at the newly blossomed tulips.

Ah, Spring-time is refreshing!

(These flowers were right outside of my apartment complex where many people pass by.  Posing a doll in this high traffic area was a bit embarrassing xD)

We decided to head to somewhere quieter and more peaceful. Yui found some wild flowers that she took a liking to.

Ah, time for a break.  This looks like a good spot to rest.

Super cute Yui pose #1

Super cute Yui pose #2

Super cute Yui pose #3
She looks so happy and relaxed. I’m jealous!

Yui found a pine cone XD

“This is for poking people that make me mad!”

Time to head back home!  This is my current low-tech method of transporting Yui.  I need a proper carrying case!

Phew, finally back home.
Here Yui is trying on a new outfit.  This is my first non-Volks outfit.

“kawaii deshou?”
It is a Dollmore outfit which I acquired from Ultimaknight who was selling it.

It also looks pretty cute from the side :)

Sadly, the outfit, particularly the top, is a bit big for Yui’s petite physique.  Still, it looks pretty good.

These socks are part of Yui’s default school uniform, but I like them a lot.  Very cute and are made of soft material.

This is a rather long post, isn’t it? >_<  Don’t worry, we’re nearly finished! ^^

Yui catching up on the new season of K-ON!!.
“Hey, that’s me!”

That’s all for now! I absolutely definitely certainly will be posting more Yui photos later.  Expect to see more of her on my blog in the future!

34 thoughts on “A Closer Look at DD Yui

  1. bluedrakon

    I like the shots as well and with the different outfits! She looks like she had fun with all the shooting you did with her.

    OMG ~ Was that one shot without panties (candle experiment)?
    .-= bluedrakon´s last post… Manga Haul =-.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Heh, I realized after I returned home that the positioning in that shot was a off ^^; I was wondering who would mention it first xD

      Yeah, Dollfies are nicely proportioned. Not perfectly realistic, but given that Yui came from an anime/manga, this is probably the most accurate representation of her that you can get. As a fan, that’s why I like DDs :)

      Glad you like the Dollmore outfit. I tend to like belts and buckles too ^^

  2. meronpan

    可愛いね ^^ i think one of the reasons i’ll never make the dollfie plunge is that i’d have no idea how to style her hair and such ^^; glad folks like you have that ability and can provide nice pics ^^

    looks like you’ve already made quite a bit of progress on the outfit front… two seifuku & shifuku! ^^ grats on the get!
    .-= meronpan´s last post… フランドール・スカーレット ~ Flandre Scarlet =-.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Well, I’m not great at styling hair either but it’s not that bad with Dollfie wigs ^^. Yui’s came pre-styled though it was a mess from being in the box so I had to re-do the hair clips >_< To me, DDs are not so far separated from PCV figure collecting. Not sure about you, but I primarily collect figures because I like the character him/herself. I wanted to get a Dollfie for the same reason. They're almost like big figures (Figma, if you will) with more realistic clothing and hair. And a lot more expensive xD. Anyway, I wouldn't rule them out entirely ;) I'm sure you've seen some that appeal to you ^^

  3. Yi

    Yui is really cute. Great photoshoot, and I really loved her last costume. The blue dress coat with so many elements on it. The chains, the pins, and the bow ties are all so interesting. Very cute indeed.

  4. Anna

    eeeeei, Yui-chan is so cute!!
    Your photos do her much better justice than the promo images I seen

    ooohman, now I want one too! (do you buy from Volks Japan with a service?) Is she easy to pose?

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      I actually purchased her through Yahoo! Japan Auctions with a deputy service. She is no longer on sale at Volks site so you’d probably have to do the same thing. And yes, she is pretty easy to pose ^^

  5. Tishita

    Where did you get Yui? I’ve been doing some research cause I’m planning to buy one. I really want to get Yui. ^^


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