Dollfies and figures are great and all, but it’s really the anime that keeps me in this hobby. Today, I have a few new anime related goodies which aren’t just meant to be displayed on a shelf ;)
Category Archives: Anime
Blog Update!
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted ^^; Sorry, there has been a long series of distractions assaulting me and monopolizing all my time. But things are slowing down a bit so here is a status update, hooray!
January Loots
Didn’t plan on spending much in January but still managed to acquire a few items ^^; Just a quick rundown on the various items I procured.
First up is the disc media. Rightstuf happened to run a sale on Ouran late last month so I picked it up. Then a few weeks later, they had another sale on Funimation items. Yeah, I know Funimation doesn’t have the best reputation but I really enjoyed Ouran so figured it would be worth it. Also, grabbed Spice and Wolf since my interest in the series has been renewed recently (more on that in a bit). A few Kodocha volumes I needed to complete my collection went along with the order. Continue reading
Custom Mouse Pads

For the past year, Kagami has been keeping an eye on me during computer use. Making sure I don't do anything she doesn't approve of ^^;
Ever wanted an anime-themed mouse pad but didn’t want to shell out $10 or $20 for one of your favorite character? Or maybe one of your favorite image that just isn’t for sell anywhere. Well, how about creating a custom mouse pad? :) If you’ve seen older pictures of my desk, you may have seen the above mouse pad. It was my first custom anime-themed mouse pad but as you can see after over a year of heavy use, it has seen better days ^^;
So I decided to order some new custom mouse pads :). Headed over to my image site,, and picked out some of my fav illustrations. I use the website to order my mouse pads. You can upload your own images and, using their tool, re-size and align them to fit on a mouse pad. Then you can add it to your cart and they will print your custom mouse pad!
During the checkout process, make sure you apply the coupon code MSPD99 which will bring the price down to $2.99 per mouse pad with free shipping :) I found this deal on and if you’re like me and like to keep an eye out for good deals in general, you might want to check their site out too. I browse there regularly and that is where I originally found this mouse pad deal. Just about all the deals are US/Canada though ^^;
Anyway, $12 for the above four mouse pads isn’t so bad in my opinion :D
Anyone else going to create a custom mouse pad? ^^
Taiga wins 2009 Saimoe ^^
This year’s Saimoe contest winner is none other than the tenori tiger herself: Aisaka Taiga :) Glad to see one of my favorite characters getting recognized ^^
Moetron has a good summary of the contest and votes. Congrats to Taiga for pulling off the victory over another moelicious rival, Yui from K-ON! Enjoy a few pics of Taiga to celebrrate (more at Moetron too!)
Just finished watching Aoi Hana
What kind of ending was that? >_<
I was kind of hoping at least something would happen there between Fumi and Aa-chan ^^; But, nope, no yuri love to be had between the two main characters. Now I don’t know why I even watched the series xD Time to finish up my next series: Bakemonogatari. At least there are lolis in it! ;)
New Shugo Chara Anime + LA
Yesterday it was announced that a new Shugo Chara anime would begin this fall. It will be called Shugo Chara!!! Dokki Doki and starts in early October. That’s good news for Shugo Chara fans like myself but there’s more. Apparently, there will also be a live action spin off! ^^
The LA part will be called Shugo Chara Pucchi Puchi!. I’m not sure on the details but I think it will be airing as short segments during the anime. The LA cast will be the Shugo Chara Egg! group which is part of Hello! Project. They look quite cute ^^/
I’m still working my way through the second anime series, Shugo Chara! Doki but am definitely looking forward to more cool and spicy Amu-chan ^^.
Source: Moetron
Nagi-sama does Kannagi OP in Dance×Mixer
A friend in an IRC channel (thanks topz) posted a link to this awesome video of Nagi-sama singing the Kannagi opening song, Motto Hade ni ne!, and I just had to share it ^^.
Apparently, the video was made by a new software application called Dance Mixer that allows you to create a character, customize her appearance, and then program her to dance to your imported songs ^^. There doesn’t appear to be a demo of the program available and it costs 15,980¥ so I haven’t had a chance to try it myself >_<
More videos at their Youtube channel: