Kagami Goes Out 2

Phew, these photos are late ^^; I was going through some of my older photo collections and realized I still had some decent Mamachapp Kagami pics to post.  These are from last Fall.

kagami goes out again 1

Ah, Fall.  One of my favorite times of the year in Indiana.  The weather turns crisp and cool and the leaves trade green for shades of red and gold.  Kagami insisted on going outside to play in the leaves ^^;

kagami goes out again 2

Kagami is also wearing her new outfit (well, it was new back in Fall ^^;).  Can you tell what it is? ;)

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kagami goes out again 4

Better look at Kagami’s outfit.  It’s bloomers ^^.  Did you guess it correctly?

kagami goes out again 5

“This is my pumpkin.  Don’t even think about trying to touch it!”

kagami goes out again 6

“See, it works as a chair too!”

kagami goes out again 7

“W-what are you looking at!?  Just because I’m wearing bloomers… honestly!”

kagami goes out again 8

*Kagami visits America xD

kagami goes out again 9

Going for a ride on the tire swing!

Thanks for viewing! :D

13 thoughts on “Kagami Goes Out 2

  1. Ningyo

    Shot number 8 is actually very, very awesome. A heavy reminder of Cultural imperialism along with the nature of why we anibloggers are even here, along with the diminutive, microness of the shot… Should a single photo ever summarize us in our entirety, it’d be that >.<

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Ehehe, I didn’t put that much thought into it when I took the photo but I can see where you’re coming from with that interpretation ^^;

      I guess Kagami has now conquered America as well. Though why is she planting a US flag? Hmmm…

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Cool. I don’t know Nikon’s lenses well, but I’m betting their 50mm lenses are comparatively high quality as the Canon ones ^^
      By the way, I was using my 100mm macro lens for these shots ;)


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