Gwendolyn & Mercedes by Alter

Every so often you come across one of those figures that so precisely reminds you of why you like to like to collect figures in the first place.  Amazingly enough, I’ve got two such figures right here in this post, though their release dates were quite some time apart.  Alter has really hit the mark with their two Odin Sphere figures: Gwendolyn and more recently Mercedes.  I have decided to group these two figures together into a single, awesome-filled post ;)  Read on for more details and pretty pics.

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Odin Sphere is a RPG game that was released in 2007.  What set the game apart is that it was released at a time when many companies were migrating to the newly released Playstation 3.  Not only that but the developers went with 2D side-scrolling graphics, a throwback to earlier console games.  But don’t let the 2D graphics fool you, the game sports some of the most impressive and intricately painted textures and backgrounds you will find on any system.  The game itself is heavy on story-telling and action-oriented combat.  The story/gameplay is divided into chapters, each of which gives the player control of a different character, beginning with Gwendolyn and later Mercedes.  Although I didn’t finish the entire game myself (gotta do that!), I do recommend checking it out if you haven’t already ^^

As for the figures themselves, Alter has really hit the mark here.  They are stunningly detailed in every aspect; the sculpting, the painting, the posing, and the bases are all top notch.  The wings on both figures are highly detailed.  Gwendolyn has dozens of tiny feathers sculpted on her two valkyrie wings while Mercedes’ fairy wings feature a textured and translucent material that gives her a light, floating feel.  Both characters include their in-game weapons, Gwendolyn with her sharp Psypher spear and Mercedes with her magical Psypher crossbow.  Oh, and let’s not forget the bases.  Most figure bases are a necessary annoyance as they often clash with the figure.  In fact, quite the contrary is true for both of these figures; the bases actually complement the figures themselves and indeed are part of the figure.  The bases not only serve the required task of holding the figure, but they also blend seamlessly in with the figure and enhance the overall product.  Strange day indeed when I think a base improves a figure’s value ^^;

Would you believe these are my first Alter figures?  Rather strange considering they have a reputation of creating the highest quality figures but to be honest most of their figure characters don’t interest me ^^;  Well, now I can finally confirm their figure quality for myself and I have to say I am impressed ;)  Hopefully Alter will release more figures to my liking as I am eager to see more figures of this caliber.

Anyway, for this post, I wanted to do less rambling in between photos and simply let the photos speak for themselves.  As always, you can click the images to get to a larger version.  Please enjoy the photos! :)

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And now we have Mercedes ^^

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I’ve actually had Gwendolyn for over a year now, but had been holding off until I could do a worthy photo review for her ^^;  Luckily, she was so positively received after her release last year that Alter has decided to re-release her this fall.  Now all the folks that missed her the first time around (like I almost did) will be able to pick up this gorgeous figure.  You definitely don’t want to miss out this time!  Oh, and Mercedes who was just released in May is also getting a re-release in September so you should be able to get your hands on both of these lovely ladies ;)

Thanks for viewing!

47 thoughts on “Gwendolyn & Mercedes by Alter


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    7. http://www./

      Aku hampir lupa bahwa perbendaharaan vokabulari Bahasa Indonesia memiliki kosakata kakus.Ingatku hanya sama kaskus .-= David selesai posting Facebook users, be aware of password-stealing =-.


      Believe me, the boys secretly fantasise gathering the guys together for High Tea! Though the chances of them actually fulfilling that fantasy are slim.Was a lovely afternoon to spend with you all :) Though I wished the place was a bit more festive looking? A few carols wouldn't have hurt either lol

    9. http://www./

      Härliga Pia, synd att vi inte bodde närmare varandra! Jag hade ocksÃ¥ önskat slÃ¥ pÃ¥ trumman! Vilken grej! Du är allt en underbar "prick"…Vi hörs vännen.Kram och vink.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yeah, I love the figures. They are my best figures yet (quality-wise, not necessarily favorite characters). I hope to collect more Alter figures like this in the future ^^

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  2. Evangeline Mcdowell

    Wow, I keep on seeing these figures when I browse for stuff to buy. But putting them in a verdant setting like that really brings out the best in those figures.

  3. Fabienne

    Oh such lovely outdoor pictures :D
    Gwendolyn looks beautiful
    I love her detailed face with these delicately chiseled features.

    Mercedes has a nice pose with her feet in the air
    Ah and I love the frog.
    thx for sharing

  4. Smithy

    Excellent photos, these two Alter figures do look superb. ^^

    Didn’t know you already upgraded to a 5D MkII. Did you shoot this in a greenhouse with natural light or?

    Never picked up “Odin Sphere” though was tempted to. In the end, lack of time and the fact I feared the 2D side-scroll wouldn’t appeal to me kept me from buying it.

  5. Fabrice

    That first picture was simply wow, i dont know why but its only that one that really caught my eye, great timing of shot with background, blur etc! =D

  6. TAKET0MB0

    Lovely photos as always!
    My favourite has to be Mercedes also, her eyes are beautiful and find her pose a bit more dynamic
    The outdoor shoot was such a great idea, it works really well c:

  7. Tommy

    Great photos. I especially love the backdrop you used for the shoot.

    Alter does make some of the best figures around. Their problem used to be making figures with boring poses, but they’ve improved a bit in that regards. The details in their figures, even at 1/8 scale, blows the competition away. They should make more figures with diorama bases like these two beauties.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yeah, I was quite blown away with the level of detail and quality of these Alter figures. I know they have a reputation for such things but I hadn’t really experienced it for myself until these. I wish Alter made more figures I want ^^;

  8. lovelyduckie

    “Every so often you come across one of those figures that so precisely reminds you of why you like to like to collect figures in the first place.”

    YES YES! I completely agree!My boyfriend was talking to me about maybe cutting back on my collection and suggested I get rid of figures where I don’t know the characters well. I immediately shook my head and pointed at my Gwen with sparkles in my eyes. She is such a piece of art that it doesn’t matter that I haven’t played Odin Sphere! She is a supreme beauty and everything I want in a figure. I would say she is the most beautiful figure in my collection by far.

    As for Mercedes mine hasn’t arrived yet :( but she’ll be here soon!

  9. ninjovee

    I have been so curious about Odin Sphere because I’ve seen wonderful cosplays of Gwendolyn. Seeing these figures makes me curious about them more now… I’m just sad because my brother’s PS2 is shot.

    If I had some extra cash, I’d definitely try to get these wonderful figures. I just have a lot of figures of characters that I do want though ~_~;

  10. AS

    Beautiful pics ^^. I love the detail on the wings for both figures. The details on the base are awesome. Though I noticed that on Gwendolyn’s crown, on the left side if you face her, seems a bit off and looks like a double painted line to indicate a groove in the crown for the triangular part. Other than that, awesome ^^.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Hmmmm, I think I see what you’re talking about. Very minor though and not really visible in a normal viewing setting. Gotta remember these are very close macro shots ;)

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