New FREEing 1/4 Scale Lucky Star Figures!

There is a new reason to rejoice for Lucky Star fans.  Today, FREEing started reservations for a new 1/4 scale Lucky Star figure: Yutaka Kobayakawa!  Like the previous FREEing 1/4 scale Lucky Star figures, Yutaka is dressed in a school gym uniform, only this time instead of shorts, she is wearing bloomers.  Yay! ;)

Yutaka is from one of the younger classes, maybe that’s why she gets bloomers?  She’s super cute!  I think we’ll be seeing more of the other girls coming in the future too.  Good Smile says this “The Lucky Star gym uniform series from FREEing is set to continue, this time bringing all the characters in the other classes to join their older friends!”.  Even more of the other girls to follow? :D

Yutaka will be released in October and will retail for 14,095 yen.  A bit pricey, but she is 1/4 scale.   She is available for pre-order at Amiami for 11,250 yen and Hobby Search for 11,981 yen (plus 599 points!) so you won’t have to pay the full retail price :)

Anyone going to be getting her?  I am very tempted by her moe-ness!  I already have the original 4 figures by FREEing and I’m compelled to get all the girls in the set.  Very possible get for me!

More info at Goody Smile Company’s website.

17 thoughts on “New FREEing 1/4 Scale Lucky Star Figures!

  1. Smithy

    That’s a very cute rendition of Yutaka. ^^

    Will be great to see her displayed with the -apparently upcoming- figures of Minami, Patricia and Hiyori.

  2. bloo

    Man she looks great, and the bloomers are a very nice touch. They really help to differentiate her from the girls of the first set. I think it’s pretty definite that were gonna be getting Minami, Patti, and Hiyori sometime in the future, but what I’m really hoping is that we get Ayano and Misao eventually.

    FREEing has show

    1. bloo

      Oops… meant to say that FREEing has shown before that they’re willing to go through great lengths to complete a set (the Haruhi bunny series), so I hope they try to do the same here by including ALL the girls.

  3. Persocom

    Pretty cool, but I’m not much into 1/4 figures, it has to be something very special to me to get up to that scale. They just take up so much space. It’s good to see them completing sets I suppose, and the bloomers are nice. Wonder if Akira will get one eventually.

  4. lovelyduckie

    I’m excited to see her! But at the same time…I’m worried. Should I just stick with the 4 main characters? What if FREEing takes this figure series the whole way and does a figure of everyone from the cheerleading performance? Once I take that step past the main cast there is no turning back, I’ll be collecting the whole set! Can my shelves and budget handle that? Also will they give me more clothing options? So many questions…but in the end I pre-ordered her.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yeah, I know what you mean. Will be quite an investment to purchase 3 or 4 more 1/4 scale figures plus if they release more clothes for them… yikes ^^; I’ll do what I can! xD

  5. Pasu

    Hehehe, I saw the figure on Otacute and immediately had to think of you XD I’m not surprised you’re so tempted to get her as well~ I’ll just stick with Konata and Tsukasa though, I can’t even find their uniforms online anywhere, so imagine trying to get even more of them when I would get the other girls XD;

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yeah, I spent a small fortune on the miko and school uniforms for my 4 girls. I wonder if they are going to release them again for the new girls >_< Very expensive for fans like me T_T

  6. Pingback: Lucky Star Cheerleader Outfits | Cool and Spicy

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