“Super” Tsukasa & Miyuki (FREEing)

It’s quite a while since I’ve done a proper figure review, hasn’t it? ^^;
Time to change that!  This time, I have a special treat.  Following the Super Konata and Super Kagami reviews from last year, it’s a Super Tsukasa and Super Miyuki double review!  These lovely ladies round out the last two entries of FREEing’s 1/4 scale Lucky Star set.

Let’s start with Tsukasa Hiiragi, shall we?  She’s Kagami’s silly yet bubbly happy “younger” sister.  She’s not really a younger sister since they’re twins, but Kagami was born first.  I wonder if that’s tough as a twin; to be the younger one of the two xD

Like the rest of the FREEing figures in this set, Tsukasa comes dressed in her school gym uniform.  She is a member of class 3-B along with Konata and Miyuki.  Poor Kagami is stuck over in 3-C >_<.  I bet she wishes she was in 3-B with Konata ^^;

Tsukasa is pretty cute, right? ^^  FREEing decided to go with a happy, super enthusiastic pose for Tsukasa.  Clenching her fists in front of her chest with a huge smile on her face, I can almost her hear saying, “頑張って!” (ganbatte!).  Perhaps she is rooting for Konata?  あ、さすがこなちゃんすごいねー.

Tsukasa in her entirety.  Tsukasa gets her own pink “Lucky” star as a base.  かわいいでしょう? ^^

Like Kona-chan and her sister before her, Tsukasa is inherently cast off-able.  Well, since her clothes are actual fabric and be exchanged, it’s kind of necessary ^^;  Anyway, it wouldn’t be a complete review without some clothes-less pics, right? ;)

!!  Shimapan!  And pink ones at that.  But let’s not focus on such uncouth things ^^;

Ok, fine, just one more pic!  Even I have to admit, Tsukasa has a nice body xD.  Ok, really, no more of this.  You can put your clothes back on, Tsukasa ^^;

眼鏡子!(meganeko).  Yep, it’s everyone’s favorite bespectacled moe-girl, Miyuki Takara ^^.

もえもえドジっ娘?(moe moe dojikko?)  Well, this dojikko is also conveniently the most well endowed among the Lucky Star girls.  A dangerous combination, I think ^^;

Miss Takara from class 3-B also happens to be a know-it-all ^^;  If sexy moe + clumsy is a dangerous combination, then sexy moe + clumsy + genius is a downright lethal combination xD

Painted fingernails.  A nice detail and one that is present for all four of the girls.

The glasses FREEing included for Miyuki are made of plastic, but they don’t look bad.  I would have preferred them to at least have rims though.

A complete look at Miyuki.  FREEing chose to go with a pose that, well, accentuates Miyuki’s formidable figure ^^;  As if captured in a photograph, Miyuki is in mid-step forward with her upper torso leaning forward.  Not my favorite pose of the four, but not so bad ^^.

Once again, it’s cast-off time! >_<;
Miyuki’s maximum risky curves are all the more apparent when she takes off her gym uniform.

But, what’s this?  No shimapan!?  Miyuki decides to deny otakus’ their favorite pattern and instead goes for traditional, white undergarments.  Still, a white pantsu is fine too :D

Sadly, one downside to the cast-off-ability of these figures means they must have removable limbs in order for the clothes to be swapped.  This means that each figure has seams at various locations on their arms and legs.  The leg seams are pretty well hidden but as you can see in the above image, some of the arm seams are rather noticable.  Of course, this is only seen when their clothes are removed from the figures and that’s not exactly their natural state xD

Side view that really examplifies Lucky Star’s most mature character.
Alright, we’re done with the ecchi pics now ^^;

Mass naked child event?  I jest, I jest.  They’re not kids, they’re nearly adults, remember? xD
Let’s see… from right to left: pink shimapan, blue shimapan, purple shimapan, and white pantsu!  Ultimate array of pantsu?

Here is a more modest photo of the four Lucky Star girls.  Quite appealing, aren’t they? ^^.  I know some people don’t like the simplistic hair styling and facial features, but that’s an accurate representation of the anime look =P.  There were also some complaints about the characters’ poses, but I have to say, having them all together like this, I like them!  Kagami especially has grown on me.  I was the most skeptical of her winking pose but I can honestly say that I like it.  Put her next to Konata and it all makes sense xD

If you’re interested in these figures, they can still be found, though likely at an inflated cost.  Tsukasa was released back in October and Miyuki was released in late December.  Unfortunately, they are all sold out at Hobby Search, Amiami, HLJ, Otacute, etc.  They can still be found on ebay and Yahoo Japan Auctions but expect to pay extra.  Rakuten shows some of the figures at reasonable prices but I don’t have any experience dealing with them (anyone know?).

While I am very satisfied with this 1/4 scale set of figures by FREEing as they are, I’m delighted to say that I will be getting even more enjoying out of them in the future with some additional outfits! Pictures of the new outfits below:

I just might be getting these bonus outfits in the near future ^_~

And with that, I will conclude this post.  So while it was a bit costly to do so, I am glad I was able to complete this giant 1/4 scale set by FREEing.  For a dedicated Lucky Star fan, this may be the set may be the pinacle in Lucky Star figures (physically and metaphorically xD).  As for the extra outfits, stay tuned for that and thanks for visiting ;)

40 thoughts on ““Super” Tsukasa & Miyuki (FREEing)

  1. Pasu

    Hehe, I was already wondering whether you got them or not~ :D Nice photo’s! It’s a shame Miyuki doesn’t come in shimapan though~

    In the end, my Kagami got canceled, but I did get Tsukasa to accompany Konata~ :3 I hope those outfits are easy to find (not just sold at WonFes etc…), because I’d really like two school uniforms

    Oh, and to anyone still looking for the girls: Archonia.com still has Tsukasa, Kagami and Miyuki in stock! (I got Tsukasa there myself)
    .-= Pasu´s last post… Review: Sega’s Waitress Yoko & Nia =-.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      What, no Kagami!? How could you? >_< I've seen auctions for the sailor+miko outfits on Yahoo Japan Auctions, but I doubt you'll be seeing them anywhere else. If you want them, I'd watch the auctions closely ^^. As for the cheerleader outfits, those were only available to customers that bought all four of the figures and sent in the proofs of purchase so they will likely be even more rare ^^;

  2. Smithy

    These Freeing Lucky Star figures do look best when all four are displayed together like that, gives them the same feeling and atmosphere as when watching the girls in the anime. ^^

    Tsukasa and Miyuki really do look adorable, but Tsukasa just does look that tad better. She and Konata seem by far the best out of the lot in terms of how their facial expression and sculpt are spot on.

    Lovely! ^^
    .-= Smithy´s last post… So-Ra-No-Wo-To 6 =-.

  3. Braulio

    Funny to read everywhere all this eejnyemont for Kagami. I don’t like her that much, since she has such a classical role. I prefer when she is dealing with her sister more than when she is shouting at Konata. And well, I am definitely more a Tsukasa fanboy ^^I understand what you mean though, but you’ll see Tsukasa becomes more interesting in the second half of the show (at least that’s what I think ^^)

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