FREEing 1/4 “Super” Konata!

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Haven’t been able to post recently due to work being extra busy the past week (yay broken servers) and having some family visit from out of town.  But it was worth the wait since I can now finally review the FREEing Konata I received a bit ago.  I present here “Super” Konata!

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My reasoning for calling her Super Konata should be obvious given the massive 1/4 scale size.  Plus, she also kind of resembles a super hero with her hand of justice piercing the heavens xD

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For the uninformed, this is FREEing’s 1/4 scale Izumi Konata from the Lucky Star series.  Those who occasionally read my ramblings here may know that I’m kind of a big fan of the series ^^;

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I really do like Konata’s pose in this figure.  It’s so full of energy and really conveys Konata’s dynamic personality.  Despite her anime/game addicted lifestyle, Konata is quite athletic so I’m sure she is enjoying herself too :)

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I’m experimenting with a new set up for my figure photos.  I used a new location for shooting which gives me more working room for lighting and I’m also trying a black background.  The background is actually a sheet of velvet fabric which I bought at a hobby store.  It absorbs light very well and while not pure black, with a little tweaking results in a nice deep, dark background.  The only problem is that near the base of the figure it’s more difficult to keep light off the background but I will work on that later ^^

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Long hair is loooong >_<  How often do you see real-life girls with hair this long? ^^;

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One of the coolest features of this figure is that Konata’s gym uniform clothes are made of real fabric!  Yep, the shirt is made of soft, flexible cotton and I believe the shorts are made of more reflective polyester (I think).

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The gym shorts are well made with two stylish stripes down the side and a realistic elastic band at waist.

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Konata’s shoes are, unfortunately, not made of fabric.  Since they are the base of the figure and support the full weight of the figure, it does make sense to use strong PVC.  The actual base stand is a star-shaped piece of plastic with a nice reflective mirror in the center.  While it is large due to the 1/4 scale of the figure, it’s not overly large which is a plus when limited display space is available.

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The gym shorts look so nice with the fabric :D

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Konata’s school gym uniform has her family name, Izumi (泉), printed on it along with her class (3-B).  I’m really glad they chose to use fabric for the clothes.  At 1/4 scale, I don’t think plastic or PVC clothes would have worked well at all.

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Go, Konata, go!

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View from below.  Was a rather difficult shot to take as Konata is so tall it was hard to get the background that high >_<

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And… since everyone was asking themselves the same question: “Since the clothes are fabric, can they be removed?”.  The answer is, yes, they can be removed >_<  Konata’s head and left arm is removable which allows her shirt to be slipped off the top.

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And… yes, the shorts are removable as well.  Both the left and right legs are removable as otherwise they would have blocked the shorts from sliding off.

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Naturally, since Lucky Star is a clean, non-H series, Konata is wearing a sports bra type top (instead of nothing).  Either that or a training bra… with Konata, I’m not really sure xD

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It seems Konata likes the classic shimapan style.  For the ladies out there, does anyone really wear pantsu like this? ^^;

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FREEing certainly put enough detail into the panties that you would almost think they wanted people to strip poor Konata down to her underwear ;)

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The fact that both legs and the left arm are removable for the sole purpose of removing Konata’s shorts and shirt definitively answers the question as to whether or not FREEing wanted owners to undress her ^^;

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Also, a bit extra detail in the view from behind ^^;;

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Last ecchi shot.  Konata wants to get dressed now ^^.

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And, finally, Konata can get dressed again ^^.  She has two twins here: Comptiq Nendoroid Konata and Clayz 1/8 Konata.  These two alternate versions of Konata really help show the immense scale of FREEing’s 1/4 Konata.  In other words, she’s huge!

Although this figure was not cheap and the size is almost excessive, I still love it ^^.  FREEing has done an excellent job rendering cute Konata in her school gym uniform and the quality of both the molded figure and the cloth fabric clothes is excellent.  Being from anime source with relatively simple character designs, there isn’t much fine detail to Konata’s figure design but it fits quite well with the original character design.

Overall, an excellent figure to me.  Based on the quality of this figure, I believe I will be collecting the remaining 3 girls in FREEing’s 1/4 scale Lucky Star set though it won’t be a cheap collection >_<  I hope they turn out as good as Konata did.  If you want get a Super Konata for yourself, Hobby Search still her has in stock.  Now I just need to find a place large enough to display her…

Figure Info:

1/4 Izumi Konata from Lucky Star by FREEing
Released: July 2009
Retail Price: 10,677 yen

20 thoughts on “FREEing 1/4 “Super” Konata!

  1. sonic_ver2

    Is this figure is huge or what? Most of Konata figures look kinda plain for me. Oh, and that shimapan is news to me. Never knew Konata wears striped pantie.

    Anyway, nice photos. I like the butt photos, looks kinda sexy even though it’s at the loli size.
    .-= sonic_ver2´s last blog ..Shugo Chara =-.

  2. anonymous_object Post author

    @Smithy: はい、でかい!

    @Optic: I’ve never seen 3+ color pantsu either ^^;
    I was really happy about the real fabric clothes. I really wasn’t sure if they would be removable and didn’t care much either. I prefer my Konata clothed ;)

  3. Blowfish

    I totally agree that using fabrics at 1/4 scale is a good way to avoid the problems figures with this scale usually have.Its crazy how the Big figure market exploded lately isnt it?
    I like her panties aswell ^^ Didnt expect to see a buttcrack either
    .-= Blowfish´s last blog ..Sexy Succubus Morrigan =-.

  4. anonymous_object Post author

    @Blowfish: Yep, I think FREEing has found a nice niche with their 1/4 scale figure sets. Nanoha, Lucky Star, Haruhi, Kodono no Jikan, etc ^^ They’re just so darned expensive >_< @De Jay: Yes, she's pricey, but as Lucky Star fan, I was willing to take the wallet punishment xD

  5. Pingback: Lucky Star Treasures Set of Soujirou | Cool & Spicy

  6. Pingback: New outfits for FREEing 1/4 Lucky Star set | Cool & Spicy

  7. Pasukaru

    Hehe, found this via Google, since I wanted to know what she was wearing under her sports uniform, since they’ll be releasing new clothes for the girls :D I’m ordering her now, and I can’t wait for the cheerleader uniform XD

  8. Pingback: FREEing 1/4 “Super” Kagami | Cool & Spicy

  9. Pingback: New photography setup « Pasu Blog

  10. Pingback: “Super” Tsukasa & Miyuki (FREEing) | Cool and Spicy

  11. Pingback: FREEing Lucky Star Class 1-D | Cool and Spicy

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