FREEing Lucky Star Class 1-D

In the past I’ve shown the excellent 1/4 scale Lucky Star figures that FREEing originally released in 2009-2010 as well as the hard to find extra outfits.  Apparently, enough crazy Lucky Star fans like myself bought the figures that FREEing followed up their original set of 4 figures with an additional 4, this time with some of the girls from class 1-D.  And I just happen to be crazy enough to purchase the four new figures and have them here for your visual enjoyment ;)

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Our first girl is Yutaka Kobayakawa, Konata’s younger cousin who is starting her first year at Konata’s high school.  Although they’re related, Yutaka and Konata are quite different in their personality with Yutaka being more naive and innocent compared to Konata’s cynical and sarcastic style.  But!  They’re both chibis ;)

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Yutaka has a bright, smiling expression and has a simple, yet cute pose.  She is holding her arms slightly behind her back and with one hand is adjusting her bloomers, a posture reminiscent of many anime swimsuit scenes ;)

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The major difference with these new figures compared to the original four is that the class 1-D girls are wearing the bloomers as part of their gym uniforms.  I don’t think this was ever part of the animated series but it’s cute and I won’t complain about the change ^^;

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Yu-chan was always irresistibly cute in the anime series and FREEing has a done a great job matching that cuteness in her figure form.  She just has a sweet, innocent, and youthful atmosphere to her.

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As with the original figures, these girls feature real fabric clothes which can be removed/swapped.

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Also, if you like tsurupettan girls, Yutaka is right up your alley ;)

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Yu-chan is good friends with Minami Iwasaki who happens to be the next girl in our roundup ^^.

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Minami is a quiet, shy girl who is tall for her age, a sharp contrast with her best friend Yutaka ;)

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Minami has a mostly emotional-less facial expression which is in line with her reserved personality.  The surprising thing about her figure is her alluring pose, albeit unintentionally so based on her character traits.  She is leaning forward with her left hand clasped above her chest.  It just looks attractive ^^;

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I ended up taking the most photos of Minami because I liked her posed so much so sorry if there are too many :D

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As much as I do like Minami’s figure (and I really do), I kind of feel that she would have looked a bit better if she were blushing a bit more.  It would have really emphasized her shy personality but I still love the figure as it is!

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Minami is constantly fretting about her proportions and, well, her bust is represented faithfully in this figure as she is nearly as flat as Yu-chan ^^;

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Ecchi ^^;;;;

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In the number three spot, we have the transfer student from the U.S., Patricia Martin.  In the series, she’s portrayed as an huge anime/manga fan and apparently learned how to speak Japanese through them ^^;  I wish I could do that >_<.  I’ve watched a lot of anime and read some Japanese manga but I’m no where near fluent T_T

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So it seems there is a stereotype in Japan that women from the U.S. all have big breasts?  At least, it seems that Patricia has been classified as such.  Even though she’s one of the younger students, she has a bust only second in size to the older Miyuki.  And her pose seems to accentuate her bust if you judge by the placement of her hands ^^;  But it’s not like I dislike it or anything :)  She has a huge smile on her face which makes me happy.

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Patricia works at the same cosplay cafe as Konata and cosplays as Mikuru from Haruhi.  Perhaps if FREEing releases more outfits, they could do a Mikuru waitress outfit? I would buy that :3

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Bright yellow… ^^;

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And the last girl in our set tonight is Miss Hiyori Tamura.  Not unlike Konata, Hiyori is obsessed with anime and manga, particularly with yuri pairings as is evident by her daydreaming involving Yutaka and Minami ;)  She is also an aspiring doujin and often uses her interactions with Konata & Company for inspiration for her stories. KonaxKagamin doujinshi anyone? :D

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Hiyori’s figure is unique in the FREEing set as she is the only girl that is sitting down and thus does not have a stand.  It also tends to make her fall over if you’re not careful ^^;  She toppled over a few times while I was taking photos.  It’s not completely unbalanced but you do have to be careful.

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No DFC here! Also, little red ribbon :D

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Last ecchi pic!

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So, yeah, I’m really glad to see Lucky Star figures trickling their way out this long after the anime series.  In fact, I wanted a refresher on the characters and ended up getting distracted and watched a few hours of the anime again.  And I find myself laughing as much as I did the first time I watched it :D.  I just hope FREEing eventually does some of the other girls, like Kagami’s classmates.  I would love to see a 1/4 scale Misao figure!

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When I first read that FREEing was releasing more 1/4 scale LS figures, I was unsure if I would collect them as I tend to be a completionist when it comes to figure sets.  Either I get them all or I don’t them at all ^^;  So, yeah, these four girls were another costly set to acquire but I am glad I decided to get them (Don’t want to think how much I spent to get all 8 girls…).  Minami turned out to be my favorite of the bunch with Yutaka in a close second.  They’re super cute!  Patricia also turned out nicer than I expected.  Hiyori is the only one I was slightly disappointed with in terms of pose and overall appearance.  The sitting pose just didn’t do it for me.

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And finally… All eight of the figures together at last! Be sure to clicky for the big version.

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So, which is your favorite? ;)

12 thoughts on “FREEing Lucky Star Class 1-D

  1. lovelyduckie

    WOW! They look great! I honestly think they did a better job on the second foursome set than the main gals! I’ve personally pulled away from FREEing 1/4 Lucky Star figures in my own collection, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still like picture of them! The group set looks REALLY awesome!

      1. lovelyduckie

        I wasn’t as fond of Kagami’s pose compared to the rest. Her winking pose felt a bit awkward to me. BUT grats on your picture being selected as a daily on Tsuki!! It reall is a GREAT picture!

  2. Fabienne

    that was a very nice and informative roundup review with these 4 girls. They look very cute in their PE uniforms, is it wrong when I say that they are also a bit sexy ;p?
    A few days ago I saw these 4 on another site and asked myself which ones I would like the most. In my case I really like Yutaka and Hiyori. Yukata is small and super cute and I like Hiyori because of her cute pose and the glasses. It’s a bit mean that Freeing gave Hiyori no pretty star base unlike the others.
    Oh and I didn’t know that Patricia and Hiyori had such pretty underwear XD

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Heheh, they do look just a bit sexy, don’t they? ^^; Well, only if you’re ecchi and take their clothes off! (like me?) I also wish they have given Hiyori a base. Since she’s sitting, she is much lower than all the other girls when placed together >_<

  3. Azu-nyan

    don’t know if you know this but even the undies are castoff-able too! seems a little creepy with yutaka and the underclassmen ^^; …


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