First Snow Fall of the Year

Kagami welcomes the first snow fall of 2010.  She looks kind of cold, I should have gotten her a nice warm coat instead of that pink frilly dress xD

Indiana saw its first snow storm of 2010 and was a big one >_<  Indianapolis area received approximately 6 inches of accumulation in as many hours time.  Windy conditions complicated things with additional snow drifting over once-cleared roadways.

Decided not to risk driving my small, rear-wheel drive car all the way to work so opted to work from home today ^^  This poor guy had to go somewhere and was sweeping snow off his car with a broom xD

Once it cleared up a bit around noon, I decided to brave the roads just a mile or so to grab some lunch.  I had to find my car first xD

Yes, there really is a car under there ;)

Only drove about a mile down the road but was probably a bad idea.  Road conditions were terrible.  Had to drive 10 mph the whole way but made it back safely >_<  Lesson to learn: Don’t drive in snow!

Anyone else getting buried in snow too?

11 thoughts on “First Snow Fall of the Year

  1. FaS

    Lol I love your figure pics lol. But yeah I live in Michigan and we get snow alllll the time :( In fact I had to wake up @ 7:30 this morning to shovel before my mom left the garage for work -_-” damn University work. Anyways, wow BMW :) Nice. I don’t have a Beamer, but my Crown Victoria is rear wheel and my dad always has issues with me driving in the snow. Understandable, but jeez, I’m not a baby lol.
    .-= FaS´s last blog ..Vampire Bund Ep1: 10 Ways 2 Suck 10X More Than Bleach =-.

  2. Leonia

    I also have some snow here (25-30 cm). I did not have electricity anymore since yesterday morning. Now the black ice arrives.. I hate it, it’s so dangerous >_<

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yikes, that sounds a lot worse than here. The snow storm from these pictures only lasted 1 day and it has started to melt a bit already.
      No electricity is very bad in this cold weather. I hope you are doing OK (the fact you are posting online is re-assuring :D).


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