16 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. anonymous_object Post author

    @mefloraine: I thought so too. Plus, I just like Taiga ^^;

    @Lylibellule: Thanks. Happy new year!

    @Ayumikat: I hope 2010 is a great year for you!

    @Leonia: Thanks. I look forward to another year of fun :)

    @Smithy: Thanks, happy new year :)

    @sonic_ver2: Taiga doesn’t already rule the world!?

    @Ippiki Ookami: Hey, you’re no tiger! Imposter!

    @Blowfish: Tigers don’t like rats. Too squirmy xD

    @meronpan: I managed to control myself this year xD

    @Guy: Thanks ^^;

    @FaS: Thanks, happy new year to you as well! :)


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