Nagi-sama does Kannagi OP in Dance×Mixer

A friend in an IRC channel (thanks topz) posted a link to this awesome video of Nagi-sama singing the Kannagi opening song, Motto Hade ni ne!, and I just had to share it ^^.

Apparently, the video was made by a new software application called Dance Mixer that allows you to create a character, customize her appearance, and then program her to dance to your imported songs ^^.  There doesn’t appear to be a demo of the program available and it costs 15,980¥ so I haven’t had a chance to try it myself >_<

More videos at their Youtube channel:

37 thoughts on “Nagi-sama does Kannagi OP in Dance×Mixer

  1. anonymous_object Post author

    Hmmm, I haven’t used MikuMiku Dance either, but it looks like it produces similar results. I do like the physics with this program, especially the hair and skirt motion ^^;. Seems more fluid than most of the MikuMiku Dance videos I’ve seen.

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  32. kreditkarten vergleich stiftung warentest 2015

    Two things, John:There are creationists who do have some understanding of evolution. Rick Warren has at least a layman’s knowledge of evolution. He even agrees it’s a reasonable explanation of how life forms change over time. Despite that, he rejects evolution, abiogenesis, the Big Bang and the rest of reality in favor of a literal reading of a 2500 year old myth stolen from the Babylonians.Evolution isn’t correct because the majority of intelligent, educated people accept it. Rather the majority of intelligent, educated people accept evolution because it’s correct. There is a difference.


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