Holo by CM’s Corporation

CM Corp Holo-1

You know, I’ve never really been considered purchasing an ecchi or cast-offable figure but when I caught a glimpse of the stunning CM’s Corp figure of Holo in the nude, I immediately pre-ordered her.  Not because she was naked (and she is quite totally naked) but rather despite the fact that she was naked ^^; And while some folks may consider this a naughty figurine, I don’t see it that way. Rather than be modeled purely for physical attraction, this Holo figure is finely crafted to please fans of the original series novels.  The haughty wise-wolf in her simple, untouched human form.

CM Corp Holo-extra2

As you can tell by the setting, these photos were taking last Fall.  I delayed on this post far too long ^^;

CM Corp Holo-2

CM Corp Holo-3And while I truly enjoy this figure, it is not without its flaws and they are not minor ones at that.

CM Corp Holo-4Holo munching away on her favorite food.

CM Corp Holo-5

Those eyes <3

CM Corp Holo-7

The sack of grain is lacks detail and distracts with it obvious plastic nature.  I think it would have been better for CM’s to have not included it at all if they couldn’t make it look better :-/.  The crates are similarly plasticy looking but aren’t quite as distracting.  The base has a cobblestone pattern along with some spilled grain with sub-par painting…

CM Corp Holo-6However, the most disappointing feature of the figure is surely Holo’s prided wolf tail.  Unfortunately, it just looks unnatural on this figure.  It’s sort of just a large lump of plastic with some notches in it.  Not very detailed and is hardly recognizable as a tail at all.  And even with the poorly rendered tail,  I still can’t help but to like this figure ^^;

CM Corp Holo-8

CM Corp Holo-9

CM Corp Holo-10

CM Corp Holo-11

CM Corp Holo-12So with all these problems, why do I still like this figure?  Well, because of Holo herself, of course!  The pose seems to perfectly capture Holo’s arrogant, stubborn personality. Her sly smile and bright red eyes beckon you to focus your gaze on her.  And just like Holo in the novels, she is quite a looker.  I’m quite sure Lawrence would be forced to turn away, blushing beet-red if he saw her in this state though Holo herself would not be the least bit embarrassed ^^;

CM Corp Holo-13

CM Corp Holo-14To me, a sign of a good figure is how photogenic it is and I really enjoyed photographing this figure.  I ended up taking far too many photos and had a hard time picking out the ones to use in this post ^^;  Simply put, she looks great from any angle, no small feat to pull off.

CM Corp Holo-15Yes, you can push her hair out of the way for a better view.  But is that really necessary? ^^;;

CM Corp Holo-16

CM Corp Holo-extra1

So, in the end, this is an imperfect but still quite delectable Holo figure.  As usual, your mileage may vary but for me the pluses certainly outweigh the negatives and I’m glad I purchased this figure.  CM’s Corp has some work to do on the miscellanea of their figures but I’ll be keeping on eye on their future releases.  And although she is the most embarrassing figure I own, I have reserved a spot for her on my top shelf ^^.  Also check out a great review of this figure by Holo extraordinaire Aka over at TailGrab.org.

More figures to come, thanks for visiting! ^^

12 thoughts on “Holo by CM’s Corporation

  1. Kyle M.

    Super sexy! I wish I could have gotten my hands on this one. This does not scream naughty when first looking at it honestly. I guess it might help when you are aware of her character but, regardless I could not categorize this as a “naughty” figure to have. I love it :3

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yeah, sadly she does seem to be out of stock everywhere now >_<. I agree that while she is pretty naked, it's not really a naughty figure. At least not naughty like some other figures out there (Native, for example ^^;). Anyway, I'm quite happy with her :D

  2. Wieselhead

    “I’ve never really been considered purchasing an ecchi or cast-offable figure” hehe and then you got this fox who is wearing nothing at all, nice ^-^

    Its a good looking figure and her nudity seems quite natural and is not what you would call lewd in any way. Her head and face look very well, I would say together with the base these are her most appealing points. I really like the idea behind this figure overall, even though you’ve mentioned a few flaws in her final product.

    you made some fantastic outdoor pictures, very befitting to the figure. Holo in the fall scenery gives me the illusion that she might freeze a bit with no clothes at all furthermore she’s not that furry erverwhere unlike expected from a fox XD
    The 2nd and 3rd picture are my favorites :)

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Well, Holo did appear to Lawrence for the first time in cold weather so I suppose it’s nothing new to her. But it must be cold without her warm wolf fur xD

      I am pretty satisfied with the figure overall. Even though it does have some flaws, I’m still happy I got her :D

  3. Fabrice

    She;s a nice figure, I love the way they designed her to be. Plus having her nude really does portray the real her. The only problem for me is the hair, it really should be darker. :/

  4. Q

    Quite a revealing figure, but that’s how Holo is like. Didn’t know that the hair is actually made of soft material so you can push them away :P

    The autumn settings really do fit the figure well!

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