A new home

In my last post, I mentioned that I’ve been occupied with other matters and here is the reason.  I have purchased my first house! ^^. It was quite an undertaking, I have to say.  In September last year I decided that I didn’t want to sign my apartment lease for yet another year when I could be paying about the same amount towards something I would actually own.  Thus I began a rushed search with only about 2 months to find a house.  After looking at way too many houses, I finally decided on a house that is a bit larger than I probably need ^^; This was mainly because it was a great deal. Not only is it two stories, but it has a basement which is not as common.  The only catch was that there was some drywall damage and it needed cleaned and painted.  Also, the basement is unfinished.  The drywall work and painting is now done (was a lot of work) and I’m leaving the basement as a future project maybe later this year (should be interesting ^^;).  Check out some photos below.

house-1Doesn’t look too bad from the outside ^^.

house-4Master bedroom.

house-5  2nd bedroom.

  house-6My office/anime room ^^


house-2Living room.


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