Okami-san in the forest

Normally, when I buy a figure it’s because I love the character of which the figure is modeled as is evident from the multitude of Kagami and Lucky Star figures in my possession.  Every once in a while though a figure is simply so attractive that I just want it, regardless of whether or not I know much or anything about the character.  And so, Okami-san was pre-ordered ;).


So, yeah, I really don’t know much about this character besides that she is a wolf of some sort and has some companions ^^;  I’ve heard mixed reviews of the series, some people liked it others thought it was just mediocre.  The thing is though, regardless of how good or bad the anime was, Alter has made a stunning figure here.


I particularly love her modified school uniform.  It’s not really very fancy, just a long skirt with slits in the sides but it just looks so darn sexy :3  And those boots <3.


This is my first outdoors figure shoot this year.  It’s finally Spring and while we’ve been getting rain nearly non-stop for the past two weeks, it finally let up (a little) and I ventured out to a local park for some photos.


Not only is her outfit great, but I love the attitude she portrays.  Like she’s a tough bad-girl and does things her way.  I wonder if that’s how her character is in the series? ;)  Tsundere girls are right up my alley :D



Ryoko comes with a simple, yet cute cat-themed base.


Ryoko has her school bag slung over her shoulder in a tomboyish fashion which adds to her tough looks.  The bag is removable but I’m not sure why since they didn’t gave her any other accessories and she looks a bit silly with her arm posed like that but not holding anything ^^;  Would have been better if they gave her a coat or something else to hold as an option.





On her waist are two strange cat things, one white, one black which probably have some significance in the story but is unknown to me.


Random flower photo ^^;


Her hair is nicely detailed and isn’t just a large clump of plastic like most other figures.  There are actually several separate strands of hair which makes it look more realistic.  It’s also modeled quite nicely and has a natural, flowing look to it.




Ryoko-san gets to enjoy the first Spring blossoms.



So guys, is this series worth watching?  I may give it a try just because I’m liking Ryoko’s appearance so much (yes, I know that’s shallow xD).  Either way, I have an excellent new Alter figure which keeps the record for highest percentage of great figures in my collection (100% so far!).  I you like the series, get this figure.  If you’re like me and don’t know the series, get this figure anyway!  She’s too good to miss! ^^

Thanks for viewing!

21 thoughts on “Okami-san in the forest

  1. Duriel

    I’ve not seen it myself, but wow! That skirt is totally sexy, and likely will end up motivating me to watch a few episodes. Nice images; I like the dew scattered throughout, it’s quite lovely.

  2. Evangeline Mcdowell

    Oh oh! I see you picked her up! Those cat things on her waist are actually boxing gloves/knucles. If you get punched by those, you get cute kitty marks on your face! I was thinking of getting her, but I’m going to save my money for Goddsmile’s 1/8 Triela.

  3. Fabienne

    Nice figure, she looks very cool, her upper front teeth are a nice detail of the face.
    I think her outfit looks really nice with the black and red also her footwear is cool.
    the slit which shows her bare legs adds a sexy touch to her.
    even if its from behind this is http://www.flickr.com/photos/37063872@N05/5682145419/my favorite picture of her,great shot;)

    The show itself was cool, not great because too short, but enjoyable, a 7,5/10 would be a fair score I think^^
    On the outside Ryouko is a very tough girl who delivers hard punches, but on the inside she’s very fragile and sensitive. I won’t spoiler more except you want me to spoiler ;p

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the teeth. As in, they’re actually there xD. Most figures don’t get that detailed even with open mouths so kudos to Alter for including such a small detail.
      That photo is my favorite as well. Maybe I should have put it on the top? ;)
      Thanks for the info on the series. It sounds like I would like Ryouko just as much in the anime so I will probably check it out :D

  4. Kuraikawai

    nice Ryoko pictures! I also got the figure, I watched the show and really liked the character, and her friend Ringo-chan too!, as Fabienne said its a good show, but not awesome, good enough to spend a nice afternoon watching anime :)

  5. Smithy

    That’s a terrific figure of Ookami by Alter. Nice photos!

    Watched the series, it was fair but not really excellent? Had expected more of it. It’s nonetheless entertaining enough.

  6. lovelyduckie

    I’ve never seen the anime but a few weeks ago I broke down and ordered her. I just liked her look way too much to pass on her! She’s on her way to me via SAL as I type :)

  7. Xine

    Lovely figure and lovely photos as always. ^^
    I also buy figs even if I know nothing about the character ^^; For some reason, I dislike figures showing their teeth but Alter pulled it off nicely with Okami-san. She has that tsun tsun vibe which is kinda cute.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Yeah, most figures with teeth look at bit odd, but I like girls with fangs (weird, huh? ^^;) so I don’t mind them on a character like Ookami. Speaking of which, I did watch the series since I was inspired by this figure. I liked Ookami-san but the series ended a bit unfinished. Maybe more to come later? :)
      Also, glad to see you posting again! ^^

  8. Pingback: Tiger Taiga by Ques q | Cool and Spicy

  9. Pingback: Review: Alter 1/8 Ookami Ryouko « Figyura (フィギュラ)

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