Yui Meets Moiraine Rin

This past weekend I had the opportunity to meet up with fellow DD enthusiast TsunamiDelta.  He was is town for a local steam show and we managed to find some time to meet on Saturday.  TsunamiDelta brought Moiraine Rin along to meet Yui who was quite eager to make a new friend ^^.  We set out for the Canal district in search of scenic locations for the girls.

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Yui in “goth” lolita!  It seems to be a good style for her ^^

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Tsunamidelta’s Moiraine Rin.  Quite a stylish girl.

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The goth lolita outfit is Moe’s Goth Dress Set by Volks.

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Yui and Moiraine Rin have become fast good friends ^^

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Moraine Rin cools off near shallow pool by the Canal.

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They really have become good friends quickly ^^;

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Do you prefer Yui?

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Or Moiraine Rin?

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Or how about both? ;)

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Vertical docking!

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We headed further down the Canal and gave the girls a chance to change their outfits (and a wig in Yui’s case!).

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Super cute Yui <3

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My sassy girl :3

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Pantsu peak! >_<

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“Hey, where do you think you’re looking?”

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Tsunamidelta spotted these turtle statues and it just seemed perfect for Yui.  It’s Ton-chan all grown up xD

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While Yui and Rin were playing with the turtles, a guest arrived!

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It was a very unusual coincidence, but while we were taking photos, another BJD owner spotted us and came over to greet us.  Turns out she also had her BJD, Toki, with her and let him join the girls for a few photos.  Never expected to meet another BJD owner in such a random way! xD

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Meanwhile, Moiraine Rin is acting a bit naughty ;)

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We said goodbye to our new friend and continued our journey along the Canal.

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After grabbing some lunch, one more change of outfits was in order.  Yui here is wearing a very cute Chinese dress borrowed from Moiraine Rin.

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Moiraine Rin in an absolutely gorgeous Victorian style dress set.  Tsunamidelta mentioned this was one of his favorite outfits and I can see why!  It’s quite lovely ^^

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As it was getting late in the afternoon, we decided to make our last stop.  Earlier, we had scouted some water stairs with shallow pools at each landing.  It seemed to be just a perfect scale for Dollfie Dreams ^^

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After a long day of posing, Yui wants to cool off and relax a bit.

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Seems Moiraine Rin agrees ^^

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Moirane Rin takes initiative and tests the water toe-first.

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Feels great!

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And, for a final nose-bleed inducing blow, Moiraine Rin borrows Yui’s gym bloomers for a swim.

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“Want to join me?”

Hope you enjoyed the pics, thanks for stopping by!

35 thoughts on “Yui Meets Moiraine Rin

  1. ninjovee

    Very lovely photos of Rin and Yui! X3
    I agree with you, Rin is very, very stylish. I love her outfits!
    And Yui was so cute in her twin tails wig~! It kind of reminds me of Hatsune Miku, but still, so adorable! X3 Especially in the Cheongsam ^w^

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  3. Kuraikawai

    Beautiful pictures! I love Yui’s dress, and for me I prefer Rin Rin, I adore her face! you did all that in one day? I once made a photoshoot with different clothes the same afternoon, and had to change Nia in a corner lol :)
    great job!

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      I also love that Goth Dress Set by Volks. So pretty :3 :3
      We took all the photos on Saturday. It was a fairly long day. We started around 10am and wandered until 4:30 or so. Quite tired that evening ^^;
      We did change the girls outfits several times, but we were out in the open when we did. We definitely got some funny looks xD

      1. Kuraikawai

        I can imagine :D when I went I was alone with my husband, he went to take pictures around while I changed Nia, he was quite ashamed :p but well, what is wrong with playing with a doll in a park? :D

  4. Smithy

    Great photos! Love the looks and outfits for both Yui and Rin, those twin tailed wigs do suit them well. ^^

    Excellent photos, looks like you visited good settings and scenery for DD photography.

    Quite a coincidence to run into another bjd owner too. ^^

    And well, you know me, I prefer them both. Kekekekeke. XD

  5. Fabienne

    again such nice outfits for Yui,twintails suits her very good.

    the pictures are very nice, too especially at the water stairs,
    the Dolfies look really good in a natural environment ;)

  6. AS

    Nice clothes on both of them ^^. Pretty interesting that you met another BJD owner during your own outing. I thought the guy looked like one of characters from Metalocalypse on adult swim ^^;;, can’t remember if he played a guitar though. Nice day for pictures ^^.

  7. Xine

    Beautiful pictures! Yui looks great with twintails too! I bet you had a really good time taking pictures of these two lovely girls.

  8. lovelyduckie

    I prefer Yui’s outfits, especially that Chinese outfit (although I know it’s Rin’s) but I think Rin has the look I would prefer to own in a Dollfie for myself. I’d like a dollfie with more mature/sexy eyes, whereas your darling seems like the more outgoing happy one.

  9. Persocom

    Holy crap, those are some awesome photos. That’s so cool that you just randomly ran into another dollfie owner like that. Really love all the outfits.


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