Cospa Hinagiku Katsura, Shima Knee Socks Ver.

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Hinagiku has a great pose here in her school gym outfit.  She has a sort of “Hey, what do you think you’re looking at!?” look to her.  Well, given that she appears to be in the process of undressing after gym, Hayate probably walked into the girls’ dressing room and is sure to be beaten to a pulp very shortly ^^;

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Hinagiku preparing for a shower after an exhausting gym class?  Epic nosebleed!

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Struggled a bit with white balance on these shots.  The high contrast with the sunlight from the window in the background made it a bit difficult to keep the shots consistent.  I tried to correct in PP as best I could ^^;  Right after this shoot, I decided to finally pick up a grey card so hopefully I won’t run into this issue again.

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I didn’t set up any shooting environment for these photos.  I just placed her on my kitchen table and shot some pics.  I kind of like they way they turned out with the glass table though.  I might try it again ^^

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This is the first Cospa figure I’ve purchased and I was a bit skeptical about how the quality would be.  Well, it’s certainly not Alter quality but they manage to create an attractive figure.  The notable flaws I spotted were some splotchy paint on her knee socks, what appeared to be a bit of excess glue on the torso/pants seam, and the usual large head seam.  So, yeah, the build quality could have been better, but they still managed to pull off a pretty appealing figure so I’m happy.

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Tsundere?  Cute + embarrassed + about to kick your butt.  I think that qualifies!

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“Limited” edition shima knee socks.  Do you prefer these or the regular black socks?

This figure was purchased from Amiami, where the “limited” Shima Knee Socks version was sold.  Hobby Search was only selling the normal version.  The normal version has Hinagiku wearing black socks whereas with the Shima Knee Socks version you get, well, shima knee socks ^^;  Right now you can still pick up the limited version from  Amiami which is in stock for 6,200 yen.  If you’re a Hayate fan or just a Hinagiku fan, I recommend this figure :)

22 thoughts on “Cospa Hinagiku Katsura, Shima Knee Socks Ver.

  1. Fabienne

    wow the first shot is very good with the depth of field and the angle of the light.
    since I’m no real Hinagiku fan I’cant say much about how the figure resembles her but she looks quite nice ; )

  2. lovelyduckie

    I’m ok with Cospa…but I’d rather get figures made from other companies. When I got my Cospa Horo I was thrilled with her, that is until I saw the MF and Volks ones. Then I started to see what Cospa could have done differently that could have made the figure better. I’m still kind of torn over whether I should get the Aegis Cospa Figure or not.

  3. Blowfish

    Hmm that nice Bokeh makes even your glass table a pretty nice shooting spot.What F Stop did you use?
    Didnt know of this Hinagiku figure but on the other hand im more a fan of her sister so I dont really follow her releases ^^;

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      I think I used a few different F/# in this shot but mostly wide around 2.8. You can actually check the exif data on my Flickr image pages and see what lens I was using, shutter, aperture, focal length, etc ;)

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