Anime Central 2010 + BJD Meetup

Spent the past weekend in Chicago attending Anime Central 2010 and catching up with some college friends.  It was a lot of fun.  I took my camera and most of my lenses and managed to snap a few hundred photos of lots of cute cosplayers among other things ^^;  Also brought my Yui Dollfie Dream and met up with Wolfenreich who brought his Asuka DD.

Anyway, here are a few of the photos:

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Might as well start with the best cosplay first.  Seeing as how my avatar is usually Amu and this blog is even named after her, it seems fitting to start with a great Amu cosplay!  Unfortunately, I was too distracted by her cute cosplay to notice my camera settings were off and the photo was blown-out >_< Managed to recover most of it.

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Took this cosplay pic right as I walked in, before picking up my badge.  Good cosplayers this year ^^

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A most awesome Eizo cosplayer in the artist’s alley.  He was selling stuff too.  His wrist blades were fully retractable too.  Very detailed!

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Random cosplay? I don’t know the character, but she was cute ;)

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I’m pretty sure this is Fuu from Samurai Champloo.  I just thought she was kawaii ;)

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Awesome Toph cosplay!

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Probably the best Orihime cosplay I saw.

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lol, Kazima.  Well, he certainly had a good cosplay.

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Throughout the weekend of the con, a series of BJD (Ball Joint Doll) meets were scheduled by fans from Den of Angels.  This is from the Friday afternoon meet which I attended and brought along my Yui DD.  Also, Wolfheinrich from Wolfheinrich’s World brought his Asuka DD.  He has already posted a lot of pics at his blog.  Check them out.

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It was a lot of fun to see all the different types of dolls.

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Up until this meet, I had only see Dollfie Dream dolls so this was a new experience for me :)

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Asuka and Yui have become fast new friends ^^

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Ah, I wish I remember what type of doll this was.  The owner sat next to me and explained that she made this outfit herself.  Pretty cute ^^

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Finished up the Friday BJD meet and headed back out to the general con for more pics and panels.  I don’t know this character, but she is pretty cute, right? ;)

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Saturday BJD meet.  More lovely dorries :D  The detail on this outfit is astounding!  Probably wasn’t cheap ^^;

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A happy family.  Matching outfits for big and little sis.

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Wolf and I took our DDs out to the main lobby for a “group shoot” xD.  A few people stopped to take a look at the cute girls :)

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I visited the dealer’s room a few times and was tempted by many items.  I tried, however, to spend less than $100 and actually managed to succeed.  This Lucky Star wallscroll was one of the items for which I succumbed and purchased.  Kagami x Konata :3

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Also picked up some new manga for a few series I’ve been reading. Skip Beat vol. 10-18, Berserk 33, and Yotsuba 9.

Well, that’s all the pics I’ll spam here.  I have a bunch more over at my Flickr account if you’re interested.  Mostly doll and cosplay pics:

16 thoughts on “Anime Central 2010 + BJD Meetup

  1. lovelyduckie

    Skip Beat!, Berserk, AND Yotsuba! AWESOME! Those are some of the best series I own! I see you bought quite a few volumes of Skip Beat :) can’t blame you that series is addicting! Although I’m curious why did you buy manga at the convention rather than at a bookstore?

    It’s nice to see someone cosplaying as Fuu, I really enjoyed Samurai Champloo.
    .-= lovelyduckie´s last post… My May Haul =-.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      Hmmm, I probably could have bought Skip Beat at a bookstore but I don’t go to bookstores too often. Berserk might be harder to find and I know I wouldn’t find the Japanese version of Yotsuba vol 9 at any bookstores around here ^^;

      And yeah, Samurai Champloo was pretty cool ;)

      1. lovelyduckie

        I just realized the atory arc you have in Skip Beat! in those volumes! That’s my favorite story arc in Skip Beat!

        Oh I didn’t notice that Yotsuba was the Japanese version.
        .-= lovelyduckie´s last post… My May Haul =-.

  2. TAKET0MB0

    Wow some amazing pictures! You must of had a blast o:
    The cosplayers really blow the ones here out of the water haha Yui also seems right at home there c:
    Youre a fan of Yotsuba too? Its one of the funniest Manga ive ever read!

  3. Akarui

    Oh! The girl in the blue dress is Tabitha from Zero no Tsukaima! It’s the maid outfit from one of the chapter arts :)


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