New Theme

Cool & Spicy has a new look ^^.  I’ve chosen the Panorama theme as my new replacement.  It has some new features like a wider post column which will be quite helpful with my frequent image-heavy posts.  Now I can embed wider preview images like the one below :)


Image by Waka.

I’ve also put together a quick image banner for the new theme.  Probably could be better.  Will probably update that later ^^

18 thoughts on “New Theme

  1. Smithy

    Nice new theme, I like it. ^^

    As I’m on, I’m currently sticking to the “Pool” theme there. It has a few disadvantages but I do like it and as I made most of my images in function of that default column width I’d break it if I’d change to another theme. ^^;;
    .-= Smithy´s last blog ..Another Orchid =-.


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