In a Lucky Star mood tonight

Returned home today to find a rather large package from Hobby Search waiting for me.  It was packed full of delicious bishoujos :D

goodies package

Three new Lucky Star girls and a Kyou challenger appears!  Since I’m quite cheap and shipping EMS is quite expensive, I try to package as many items into a single order as possible.  Hobby Search is great for this as they will hold your items up to a month and then ship them all together.  Results in a slight delay for some items that are released early in the month but saves a lot of money on shipping ^^

I’m looking forward to playing with my new toys over the long Labor Day weekend :-D


Image by tearfish.

On a unrelated note, I have been keeping myself busy with a few new games (new to me, at least).  Picked up LittleBigPlanet (PS3), God of War 2 (PS2), and borrowed Persona 4 (PS2) from a friend.  Too many games, too little time xD  The PS2 games play quite nicely on my PS3 thanks to the backwards compatible hardware in the 60GB model.

And lastly, I’m almost done with final part of my Italy trip coverage.  Should have done that a while ago ^^;

12 thoughts on “In a Lucky Star mood tonight

  1. Will Robertson

    God that’s a huge package, I’m very jealous of the 1/4 Kagami, I’ve wanted one forever. Be sure to upload some pictures of the figures themselves once you get everything all sorted out!
    .-= Will Robertson´s last blog ..IMG_0044 =-.

  2. Smithy

    Nice “Lucky Star” loot! ^^

    So how is the Freeing Kagami? You weren’t to sure about her expression at first, right? How is it now that you have the figure itself? Do think she has a nice aura about her.
    .-= Smithy´s last blog ..Cookie macro =-.


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