1/8 Saber by Gift

I was planning on doing a review of my newly acquired FREEing 1/4 Konata, but as it turns out, she had some major paint flaws.  I may need to get a replacement as I don’t think I can repair the problems myself :(  In the meantime, I went back to some photos I took in May of Gift’s 1/8 scale Saber from Fate/Stay Night.  These photos have been sitting around too long anyway ^^;

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Acquired during HLJ first anniversary sale for only 2,600 yen ^^.  Considering she normally retails for 7,429 at HLJ, I’d say it was a steal ;)

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Gift is a relatively new figure company but they seem to be doing a pretty decent job right off the bat.

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I will need to look out for more figures by them ^^

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Commendable sculpt quality and a highly detailed outfit.  Better than some figures I’ve seen by companies such as Clayz and Wave ^^;

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I actually bought this Saber figure before I had watched Fate/Stay Night.  Although I hadn’t seen the anime, I was aware of the game and the general plot.  Is it odd to like a character from a series you’ve never watched or played? ^^;  I’ve since watched the anime and my initial fondness for Saber proved to be well-placed.  She’s a great character ^^.

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Saber is outfitted in skirt and full armor.

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The detail on her skirt is impressive, especially on the semi-transparent white lacy part.

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Photos taken outside in a garden.  Probably should have blurred the background more but still a nice setting.

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No pantsu shots here ^^;

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All handheld shots.  Thanks to the sunny conditions, there was enough light that I was able to use sufficiently fast shutter speeds with my macro lens.

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Saber’s armor is skillfully modeled and is perhaps the most attractive feature of the figure.

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Saber looks quite imposing grasping Excalibur.

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Of course, gotta have the trademark Saber hair bun + ribbon!

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While natural sunlight is great for photography, you don’t have any control over it aside from the time of day.  In other words, just ignore the shadow on Saber’s face ^^;

gift saber 18Gift opted to provide two faces for Saber: The familiar anime-style face and a more realistic face.  Totally not a fan of the “realistic” face.  The eyes, the nose, even the mouth… they all just seem off >_< I will be keeping the anime face on my Saber.

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Shiny mirror stand.  A bit more appealing than the normal dull plastic stands that most figures come with.  It tad larger than it should have been though…

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A great figure by new figure company, Gift.  She comes with two faces, though only one is worth using.  Awesome armor, detailed lacy skirt.  Considering the great deal I got on this figure, I’m quite satisfied.  Even at full price, this figure would have been a good buy as it is well made overall.

More reviews of this figure: WAWAWA 忘れ物, HappySodaELTWorld, Flying Pussyfoot, Dancing Queen, Nest of the Fledging Otaku.  This isn’t a new figure so I probably missed a few more…

Figure Info:
1/8 Saber from Fate/Stay Night by Gift
Released: January 2009
Retail Price: 7,429 yen

7 thoughts on “1/8 Saber by Gift

  1. Pingback: Saber’s Gift « Nest of the Fledging Otaku

  2. Blowfish

    You know what?I totally forgot to add your Blog to my GoogleReader and missed out tons of posts <.<

    Im glad you dont jump the hate bandwagon for her Anime Style Face.Its not perfect but not the dealbreaker many wanna make it.Besides for her discounted price shes a steal
    Gifts Saber is an more than impressive first Entry from a figure manufcturer that well hear more from in the future

    Thanks for the mention ^^
    .-= Blowfish´s last blog ..Sexy Succubus Morrigan =-.

  3. anonymous_object Post author

    @Blowfish: Thanks, always glad to have another reader ^^

    Yep, definitely an impressive first figure from Gift. I also like their Yoko which I may be able to show in the future ;) I hope they continue releasing quality figures.


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