Atelier Sai’s Kagami now shipping

Atelier kagami

For the Lucky Star fans out there, a new Kagami figure is available starting today.  It is Atelier Sai’s non-scale Hiiragi Kagami, the first of a set by them.  At 160mm, it’s somewhere around 1/8 scale, maybe a bit smaller.  I don’t have any Atelier Sai figures so I can’t say how the quality will be but the at 4,560 yen I’m willing to take a gamble on them.  I’ll be the guinea pig and get her ^^

She can be ordered at Hobby Search.  Tsukasa will supposedly be also shipping later this month ^^.

7 thoughts on “Atelier Sai’s Kagami now shipping

  1. Marshmallow

    From Hobby Search’s photos, she doesn’t seem to bad, and the price is really cheap. I’m not a fan of them (or at least the blue x white kind, white and pink or white and green are cute though), the shimapan was a nice touch.
    .-= Marshmallow´s last blog ..what? =-.

  2. meronpan

    i’ve been really picky with kagami figures… to date still haven’t found one that’s persuaded me to part with my cash… don’t think this one will either.

    almost got that miko one (by wave?) way back when but passed on it in the end… maybe my standards are too high… not even sure what i’m looking for anymore ^^;;

    ah well, maybe your review will persuade me ^^
    .-= meronpan´s last blog ..メイドさんの日々 ~ Maid-san no Hibi =-.

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      I do have the miko one by Wave and it’s pretty cute :)

      I’m not sure which Kagami figure I would call my favorite but I’m expecting to get a few more Kagamis this month so maybe I’ll have one soon ^^

  3. Smithy

    Looks pretty cute, but not sure about the finished product, haven’t been very impressed by Atelier Sai’s work, the figures I saw in stores of them didn’t seem all that great.
    .-= Smithy´s last blog ..Aoi Hana 8 =-.


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