October Goodies Arrive

A package arrived in my mailbox today. It was a heavy package which can only mean one thing for an otaku: manga! This month’s haul is a bunch of manga I ordered during one of Rightstuf’s recent sales. Yeah, everyone knows it’s easy to just download scanlated manga online, but I believe supporting the industry, especially outside of Japan is important so I am happy to buy worthwhile releases such as these. Speaking of which, what did I get this time? Let’s see!

pic of the day-2011-10-04

Now that I look at it, it seems to be a bunch of shoujo-y stuff.  My true nature is showing? ^^; It’s OK, because they’re all great series! ^^b

If you happened to notice, this stack is missing Sunshine Sketch volume 4. For some reason, it is (and has been for a while) sold out at every online shop I’ve looked at! It seems to be out of print :(. I emailed Yenpress about it but haven’t heard back yet.  I hope it’s just temporary as I really want my Hidamari Sketch collection to be complete! Aside from Hidamari Sketch, I’ve also got Bunny Drop which I was convinced into ordering after watching the excellent anime that recently aired. I expect the manga to be just as good! I’ve also got the second volume of Book Girl and the ultimate moe-blob series, K-ON!

K-ON! seems to get a fair share of criticism but I truly like it. The manga looks just as irresistibly cute and hilarious as the anime series. Here’s a quick peek…

k-on manga-1
Yui is such an airhead ^^;

k-on manga-2
There are full-color pages scattered between the chapters as well :3

You can pick out the art difference between the anime and the manga but the jokes are characters are still there. Looking forward to reading more of Kakifly’s work :D

That’s all for now, thanks for stopping by!

11 thoughts on “October Goodies Arrive

  1. Fabienne

    Nice loot, such a book is probably nicer than reading manga online, especially when the covers are so pretty :)

    book girl is also in english, right? Oh, thats quite tempting ^^

    The K-on Manga looks really nice, I love clean bw drawings, the few included color pages are a great extra I think.

  2. Smithy

    Nice manga loot! I’ve never really much liked the K-ON! manga though I love the anime, guess it’s just the 4koma style that’s not really my thing. (The same with Azumanga Daioh, don’t like it much while I love Yotsuba&)

    1. anonymous_object Post author

      I’m quite enjoying it so far. It’s just as entertaining as the anime, perhaps more so in some ways ^^. Even though it’s the same story, it’s refreshing and new to read it like this. Actually, it’s the same with Hidamari Sketch and Usagi Drop ^^; I like reading manga even if I’ve already seen the anime.

  3. Q

    Ack, I still haven’t watched K-On! to this day, so I still can’t say much about the anime, even less so with the manga orz

    I know there are usually coloured pages towards the front section of manga, but having them scattered between chapters seems like an interesting touch :o

  4. AS

    Haha, I read all of them except for the bottom manga. It seems like slice of life is gaining more popularity now and it’s not hard to see why. Didn’t realize Usagi Drop got translated, now I need to go find it lol.

  5. Kate

    Great. I’ve never really much liked the K-ON! manga though I love the anime, guess it’s just the 4koma style that’s not really my thing.


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