Some slow shutter fun


Was talking with a friend who just bought a compact digital camera and liked the slow shutter speeds for sunsets.  I realized I hadn’t messed much with very long exposures on my own DSLR camera so I decided to give it a try.  Took out my pocket LED flashlight and set the shutter speed to 30 seconds ^^


I was trying to point to myself...

This was the result of pointing the light at myself and standing still for about 10 seconds.  Ghost Anony on the left.

Trying to play tic-tac-toe in the air.  Hard to position the X's and O's right >_<

Trying to play tic-tac-toe in the air. Hard to position the X's and O's right >_<

I had to turn the LED flashlight on and off to stop the lines.

Look, three Anony's!  This is what it looked like before I turned on long exposure noise reduction.

Look, three Anony's! This is what it looked like before I turned on long exposure noise reduction.

Pretty fun stuff.  I want to try this outdoors.  Maybe with more people and other color lights :)

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